The School of Leaders

The School of Leaders is a group of Christians who seek to be more committed and more united in order to accelerate the living of what is fundamental to being a Christian. This on-going unity is brought about in a climate of Group Reunion. These Christians seek a continual improvement in themselves, in the Cursillo Movement and in the environments in which they find themselves. The Workshop is not designed to create leaders. The Workshop is designed to accentuate the Cursillo Movement, because of the leaders that are there.

Please see the Calendar for future School of Leaders sessions.


Velma Burke, Director - English Language School of Leaders and Secretariat Member

Escuela de Lideres

Ovidio Cano, Berta Saucedo, Amelia Saucedo, Fernando Mora, Hilario Rojas



Step by Step

 Foundational Charism - By Deacon Bill Jacobs



School of Leaders Rollos

 Matthew 13 - Deacon Bill Jacobs

  Pre-Cursillo – Candidate Selection- Vicki Johnson